Sunday, June 17, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wesley Montoya Solomon (Spoiler for those who have not read book 1)

Wesley Montoya Solomon Born to parents Wesley Richard Solomon and Rose Anne (Williams) Solomon on February 2nd, 1835.  He quickly knew that he had a thirst for power and his father being a warlock that believed that the path to true power lay in black magic, he quickly learned to preform the darkest spells.  he was suspended from Bridgette's School for Magical Arts many many times during his ten years there.  He went on to study under Master Jack Johnson for Magical Defense, Master Joesph Abrahms for Aerokinesis and his own father Master Wesley Solomon for Elements.  He was caught preforming black magic in 1997.  He spent 5 years in Dastardly.  STOP READING NOW IF YOU HAVE NOT READ BOOK ONE SPOILERS FOLLOW:
When he got out he plotted with his brother Richard Solomon to kill Richard's unborn child as the baby was prophecized to bring an end to their power.  Senka had run off with the child, bring an end to that plan for the moment.  He continued to rule the world of black magic, using his powers to become richer than any other male in his line.  He even killed his own father in 1999, to gain the title to the Solomon Mansion.  He discovered Katy Lily's existence in 2012 when she started school and quickly told his nephew Riley that she was the evil one that she had to be destroyed.  He got Riley to bring her to the mansion where he had taken her to the underground dungeon to kill her.  His plan backfired when she was stronger than he could imangine and was killed instead, bringing an end to his evil plans.  He was killed by Katherine Lillian Fitz's Shield on December 12th, 2012.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Jane Nancy Hepburn

Jane Nancy Hepburn- Was born Jane Nancy Whiteson on March 21st, 1817.  She was born to her parents Dante Christopher Whiteson and Nancy Elizabeth Whiteson.  She knew from an early age that she wanted to be a medicine woman.  When she she got to school she realized that her patients would just be the creatures of the magical world.  She graduated with honors from Bridgette's School of Magical Arts on December 15th, 1838.  From there she trained under Creature Master Peter St. Paul, Electrokinesis Master Alicia Kinarde, and Healing Master Oswald Perez.  She became a Master on February 2nd, 1864.  She promptly moved up at Creature Care, the magical world's leading hospital for magical creatures.  She became head of the hospital on June 15th, 1974.  She met Edgar Allan Hepburn when he brought a baby unicorn that had been injured by poachers.  They dated and eventually the sly man got her to marry him on June 27th, 1983.  On July 30th 1996 their first son Jerome Allan Hepburn was born.  On August 14th,  2002 their son Gaivan Joesph Hepburn was born.  To Be Continued...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet The Characters

So since I am focusing my writing abilities on A Guardian's Life: The Seven Deadlies, doesn't mean my Katy Lily peeps have to suffer!  So I am going to have a Meet The Characters thing going on, every other day or so I am going to post something about one of the characters (major or minor)  In the Katy Lily Series, I won't give away spoilers!!!  Most will be teachers mentioned in passing, or I will post about a Creature of Katy Lily's World!!!  Don't forget to check it out!!!  I will also have them on the Katy Lily Facebook Pages

Monday, May 28, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo

Due to Camp NaNoWriMo going on in June, I have chosen to put on hold finishing  (though I am about half way done) A Guardian's Life and for Camp NaNoWriMo I am going to start Katy Lily Book 3 The Veil Lifts!  Yes you have heard that correctly, Katy Lily might be available sooner than I thought (I was thinking Feb of 13 but it might be ready for end of year release!  A Guardian's Life will still be a Fall Release and Blood and Water will still be a 2013 release (August Camp NaNoWriMo is going to help me with that!!!)  So what do I have done on book 3 the title and outline that is it, no word count no format no nothing but the outline until June 1st Thank you Camp NaNoWriMo for giving me that push and challenge I needed to get excited about book 3 since for the last year I had been living and breathing Katy Lily!!!! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


GUESS WHAT?? IT IS CONTEST TIME!!!!!  I am going to have a contest to win a signed copy of my book!!!  That is right a copy of one of my books all nice and signed!!!  How do you enter?  Well I am glad you asked!  All you have to do is like my pages!  Yep, go like my pages or or follow me on twitter or (Each of these actions will get you one entry) or you can comment on my blogs (You get one entry for every three comments and spamming on coping and pasting comments will not be allowed if you only post one of two times that is fine you will still get one entry, if you want more though you have to post 6 for 2 entries 9 for 3... etc...) or follow me on Tumblr (1 entry for this action) (family is not able to win this prize sorry!)   This contest will run into to mid June and in mid June when I launch book 2 of Katy Lily and my collection of poems and short stories LOVE HATE AND THE WORLD GOES ROUND!  You can choose between those 3 books!  TELL EVERYBODY Anybody (but family, again sorry) is eligible to win!!!!  I will pay to ship it to you as well!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Sorry I haven't update either blog for Katy Lily, but Katy Lily is on a break while I finish book 1 for my new series A Guardian's Life (check out the tie-in  The first book will be out this fall, Katy Lily 3 will come out the winter of 2012/2013 and then Blood and Water (check out my main personal blog spring/summer of 2013  Update to projects list:

This is a tentative list of what I will be working on in 2012 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2012 (IN NO ORDER)
Book 2 of Katy Lily A Nightmare Within A Dream (Summer 2012 Buy the ebook now!! or or paper back out in July)
Love Hate & The World Goes Round (Digital available in a couple of weeks and paperback to follow one final edit is needed)
Blood Or Water (A major project with my brother Marshall Rochholz) check out for a paggage
A Guardian’s Life/ The Hunter Chronicles (Working on Series) Book 1 is A Guardian's Life The Seven Deadlies with a short prequel (part one of the prequel) included check it out
The Chronicles of Battle (Will have at least 2 more short stories done)  Will publish a short ebook of the stories Summer/Fall 2012
Katy Lily Book 3 The Veil Lifts (Winter 2012/2013)
First six of my Fairy Tales for Mirror, Mirror Fairy Tales of Horror (Ebook Fall 2012)
Try to make some headway on The Ripper Reincarnated and The 3 Huntsmen Idea (Might not happen will not cry if it doesn't I can wait for 2013)
For NaNoWriMo, I have a title for the story, it is called An Unholy Creation, can’t wait to start that, but November can take it’s time getting her since I have so much more work to do!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stay tuned

Stay tuned.  I may have finished book 2 and postponing work on book 3 (just for a couple of months) I am working on a tie-in blog check it out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Check Out My other Works

This work is a series of short stories, poems, and a novella

Book 2

Guess What!!!!! Book 2 EBOOK is now Available!!!!! Yep finished the story and the editing for the ebook! Next step final edit and paperback and hardcover versions!

~Writings of 2012~

This is a tentative list of what I will be working on in 2012 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2012 (IN NO ORDER)
Book 2 of Katy Lily A Nightmare Within A Dream (Summer 2012)
Blood Or Water (A major project with my brother Marshall Rochholz)
A Guardian’s Story/ The Hunter Chronicles (Working on Series)
The Chronicles of Battle (Will have at least 2 more short stories done)
Katy Lily Book 3 The Veil Lifts (Winter 2012/2013)
First six of my Fairy Tales for Mirror, Mirror Fairy Tales of Horror
At least 2 Medusa stories
2 more I Am Death Stories (Possibly will not cry if I don’t make to much process on this series as I have the ideas for 3 of them down)
Try to make some headway on The Ripper Reincarnated and The 3 Huntsmen
For NaNoWriMo, I have a title for the story, it is called An Unholy Creation, can’t wait to start that, but November can take it’s time getting her since I have so much more work to do!
Sounds like a lot, but I rather aim high!!!  My main concerns are Book 2 of Katy Lily (almost done) and then doing something different (Thus Blood or Water) then going back to Katy Lily and throwing in a short stories in the middle.  Oh The Chronicles of Battle are in the process of being converted to a comic book series, trying to pay my brother Mason into drawing the sketches out…. More on that as it develops!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Buy Katy Lily's first book now!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hi! As everybody knows Book 1 will be available in paperback soon, at this time since I have finished with book 1 I am going to complete my poem/short stories/ novella book It is called LOVE HATE AND THE WORLD GOES ROUND, it will be available shortly as well then after that I will finish book 2 of Katy Lily called The Veil lifts after that I will be finishing up on The Ripper Reincarnated/The Three Huntsmen it is a 2 stories in one book!!!! It is a Crime thriller that I have been working on for awhile and now have decided to finish!!!! After that will be a short book of short stories called Mirror Mirror Fairy Tales of Horror then I will do book 3 of Katy Lily! Be prepared for a very busy and interesting year!!!!

Book Launch Party

OKAY Everybody some updates!!! On April 20th or 21st (either the Friday or Saturday) I will be having a book launch/ book signing party :) Where: Starting at Lonestar!!!! Then moving somewhere downtown Waterloo either the Cellar or Jamesons or somewhere else! Leave your suggestions below! Times: 5 PM to whenever or until the bars kick us out whatever.... if you have suggestions on how to make it awesome leave your comments below!!!!!!!