Sunday, May 22, 2011


Almost done I can feel it soon book one will be done my self appointed deadline is July 1st wish me luck!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Half way

I am over 40000 words in and I know how I am going to end it almost just a few more details are escaping me but I am going to finish book one of Katy lily's story soon!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Book one

I just hit the forty thousand word mark and I am about half way though the first book it has been kinda easy up to this point with the story I started this story one in the beginning of April to get over some writers block on another story but I am loving this one a lot more I have a basic outline for the ten books and what main events are in each so book one should be finished next month sometime if I don't run into any issues.  Wish me luck!


This will be a blog of the updates and my pains on my 10 book book series I have nicknamed Katy Lily.